Heights and Depths

Wherever strong love may be,

Found in mother-love especially,

There are no plains of outstretching grass

Only high hills and valleys to pass.


Along the road of strong love and hope,

From bed rock streams to dizzying slopes,

There arises, scarred from hand to hand,

A Man whom travelers must and can

Entreat upon for understanding.


This road, once only a path worn down

By the steps of the Man, stately crowned,

Was, by grace, paved to show the Way

For all who would follow Him each day.


He, who wearied yet rejoicing, placed

God above, despite all trials faced.

The pure Son of Man upon the tree

Showed how selfless pure love can be.


Journeying this road of heights and depths

Are seen the courageous, finding rest

Far from society’s soft, safe love:

Love that never scales the heights above

To see the sun rise or go to sleep.


Flimsy forms of feeling can’t sink deep

Or endure the darkness without rest,

Where the soul of man becomes its best.


Drop down a little farther soldier,

Where the fire’s hotter, you’ll grow bolder.

Soon refined and tested into gold

You’ll know the greatness God’s love holds.




  • Jesus Christ’s Bible
  • Sheldon Vanuaken’s Severe Mercy
  • John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress
  • C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity
About the author

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