

In a world of fugitives, the person taking the opposite direction will appear to run away. — T.S. Eliot

Hello! I’m from North Carolina, although born in the superior state of Texas 😉 , and my mom and sister are from Boston, in the USA.

In May of 2015 my mom and I sold just about everything we had, including cars and home, to travel the world as permanent nomads. It is possible that we will settle down one day, but it isn’t a goal. About the only things we’ve firmly planned to do are: to stick to the backpacker path, to meet fellow travelers (hostels are great for this), and to learn and expand as individuals. Primarily, we are hoping to bring the light and salt and pray for the people and nations that we meet and visit.

My mom and I are also traveling with my Down syndrome sister, Grace. Grace is the ultimate backpacker and is showing us and the world what it is possible to accomplish, even with special needs.

My mom and I do travel with separate budgets, so being a young person, I receive a lot of questions about how I afford to travel. Long story short, I’ve worked, saved a lot and travel on a $20/day budget.

I’ve broken down what my expenses have been in the first year of our travels here in my post USA vs Abroad.

The Top 5 Questions I’m Asked as a Backpacker are answered here.

I believe knowledge enhances the fun of travel. From the logistics aspect, knowing more about where you are going and how to get there can save a lot of time and stress. I’ve been beyond grateful to the bloggers who have given warnings about taxi maffias, tips on how to save on flights, where to eat and rest, find wifi, or just good, clear, correct directions. But information needs to be updated and added to all the time. As I travel, I hope to offer some blog posts with helpful information in this same respect.

On the other hand, the beauty of travel lies in the people, cultures, history, and stories of places. Anytime I can, I’d like to share inspiring stories of people we meet on the road and write about little-known histories. If this it your kind of thing too, I’d encourage you to start with Pheakdey’s story. She’s a disabled orphan from Cambodia who was almost kidnapped, but instead was saved, came to know Jesus, and now has a thriving family and business.

Last but not least, the process of traveling with my handicapped sister comes with its own struggles and rewards. We know we are not the only ones who travel with a person of special needs, but on the whole, travel is not seen as a mainstream option. So I’ll continue sharing about that as well. You can read more about this topic here.

Enjoy the stories, enjoy your travels, and if there’s anything you think I could help with, feel free to let me know! I’d love to hear about your adventures too. 🙂

As Seen On…

United Daily News, an interview about our travels by Taiwan’s largest newspaper.

Andi on Adventure, Humans of the World: Meet Faith

The Cross Examined Life Podcast Episode #008 Is Travel Essential?, where Faith defends the importance of travel and ways to afford it.

Expert Vagabond, Great Travel Blogs

One Day, One Day With Faith

Published in Canadian magazine Melange, Accessible Journeys, a publication encouraging and supporting people with disabilities and special needs to travel.

About the author

11 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Jordan! Oh no, that’s strange. I haven’t changed anything, so it should still be there. It shows for me. Here’s the link to the HK post: https://faithstravels.com/how-to-get-english-teaching-jobs-in-hong-kong-without-a-degree-where-to-look-and-what-to-be-aware-of/

    Please let me know if it does not work. (: Hope the post is helpful and wish ya the best if you’ll decide to teach in HK! If there’s anything else I could help with, feel free to shoot me a message.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Hi Faith, my name is Sandra I work at Faro airport, I just met your mom and sister
    We chated for a little bit while I was printing their boarding passes…she is an amazing person, mom and human being.
    I really felt the nead to say this, to write it down.
    Wish you girls all the best in the world, and if someday you decide to comeback let me know. <3

    1. Hi Sandra, Thanks for your comment!! So glad we got to meet at the airport. Thanks too for all your help. Hope we get a chance to go back to Portugal and enjoy it!! LOL Rebecca

  3. Hi Sandra, Thanks for your comment!! So glad we got to meet at the airport. Thanks too for all your help. Hope we get a chance to go back to Portugal and enjoy it!! LOL Rebecca

  4. Hi Faith! I’ve just read your blog about getting a job in HK without a degree and found it super helpful! I was wondering if I could ask you some questions and you wouldn’t mind giving me some guidance on the matter? Thanks so much!

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